French Wine For a Flat Belly 2017 Weight Loss Guide


Details on French Wine For A Flat Belly Guide

Created by Thomas Newman, French Wine For a Flat Belly guide is an exclusive excess weight loss guidebook that is stated to be beneficial in shedding up to 50 pound of excess weight without having to quit your preferred foods.

The French Wine For a Flat Belly promises that in the situation you’ll apply all the guidelines identified in the guide, then your body will:

  • accelerate the metabolic process
  • eliminate the additional body fat
  • improve your general wellness
  • tone your muscles
  • reduce the danger for developing illnesses linked to overweight, such as heart conditions and diabetes.

The guide is created on the concept in accordance to which every person can shed weight by modifying their normal diet regime’s meals with certain foods that will speed up their metabolic process.

What tends to make it exclusive is the concept that including wine in two-three servings per day, you will shed even more excess weight because of the Resveratrol located in wine, and which has been confirmed to accelerate the metabolic process.

Besides, the wine is recognized to enhance the overall health of the cardiovascular system, and also to support the digestive system.

The active compound of the grapes, which is also located in wine, particularly in red wines, the Resveratrol, has strong antioxidant characteristics, forcing the secretion of a hormone known as adiponectin in the body.

The adiponectin hormone is defending the blood vessels from the inflammation, is escalating glucose tolerance and insulin production, and ii also help preventing heart problems and the metabolic syndrome disorder occurrence.

The guide is centered on which French wines are assisting the body to burn up unwanted fat more quickly and how you have to consume these wines to get thinner, but ultimately uncover that this guidebook will also educate you on:

  • the excess weight loss power of Resveratrol and Polyphenol
  • which ingredients incorporate Resveratrol and Polyphenol in massive quantities
  • the power of Ellegic Acid to slow down the body’s unwanted fat production process
  • which wines are killing the negative and undesirable bacteria in the humans body
  • methods to enhance the healthy bacteria flora

In reality, the guidebook is pointing out, in a distinctive method, the most essential criteria you need to respect in your life in order preserve a healthy body weight.

The French Wine For a Flat Belly guide, in PDF, will cost you a single payment of $37.

Included in this cost are also the extra documents, provided to you as bonuses:

  • Get energized!
  • The Sex Drive Stimulator
  • Pilates Power

The French Wine For a Flat Belly guidebook is offered with a 60-days refund policy.

Are the substances promoted by the guide really working as weight loss supplements?


The Resveratrol in black grapes and in red wine is helpful for the silhouette, in accordance to the latest researches published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. The authors of the researches propose that piceatanol, yet another compound of red wine, derived from Resveratrol, blocks the growth of immature excess fat cells and so it prevents fattening.

Besides, the Resveratrol is useful in:

  • cleansing the organism because it has strong anti-oxidant properties
  • fighting against cancers development
  • lowering negative cholesterol
  • blocking the a protein which is believed to trigger the Alzheimer malady
  • energizing the body
  • and a lot more


The Polyphenols are regarded as antioxidants, their primary action being to stop the formation of free radicals, consequently they’re fighting against the aging process.

They can be located in some fruits and veggies and are in the type of anthocyanin (in red fruits), faovides (in citrus), quercetin (in the leaves of tea, chocolate, onion, algae, and apples).

Polyphenols have various positive aspects:

  • prevent wrinkles and reduction of skin elasticity
  • give firmness to the skin and stimulate the regeneration of cells and tissues
  • improve skin hydration and increase skin density
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin from the skin
  • fight against free radicals

Ellegic Acid.

Ellegic acid is a phytochemical, which implies that it is naturally developed by plants.

The plants use this phytochemical to get rid of infections and to discourage pests attacks.

It is believed that anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties in the ellegic acid can have considerable human well-being benefits. Evidences of the results of ellegic acid on human health are not conclusive but a lot of people are optimistic in this regard.

Foods containing ellegic acid are raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and pomegranates.

Between all, the raspberries are believed to have the highest concentration of ellegic acid.

The bottom line.

Adding all the beneficial effects offered by all of these 3 substances (Resveratrol, Polyphenol, and Ellegic Acid), all I can say is that the Resveratrol is a real support when it comes to weight loss, while the other two substances are a lot more beneficial to the overall health, then to the weight loss process.

Interesting is the fact that all these substances are anti-oxidants, which may possibly also lead to shedding the excess weight, by detoxifying the body of  the harmful toxins that may very well keep the digestive system blocked, incapable of a proper metabolic function.

In conclusion, observing that the French Wine For a Flat Belly promotes foods rich in Resveratrol, Polyphenols, and Ellegic Acid, then this guidebook is particularly developed to detoxify the body and to encourage a more healthy way of life, which will at some point will lead to the excess weight loss.